Query System

You can get the log by applying a filter. In the default localStorage, the log is return filtered by the query. In the custom storages, the query is passed in second parameter of getItem method, only if a query is required. Example of query:

const { Loggerage, LoggerageLevel } = require("loggerage");

const logger = new Loggerage("MY-APP");
logger.info('Info log');
logger.debug('Debug log');
const log = logger.level(LoggerageLevel.INFO).getLog();

// log = [{ level: 'INFO', level_number: 3, message: 'Info log' ... }];

These query system also apply for the getLogAsync method.

Query methods:

From and To methods, receives one of Moment|Date|string|number type, and if the date is passed in string type, we can provide a moment format. The format by default for string dates is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS. Number is a unix timestamp (in milliseconds)

Recieve the version of app or logger. Remember that diferents loggers can be with the same name, but different version.

Recieve one or some levels to filter.

Recieve the app or logger name. It's mainly made for custom storages, because with the default localStorage, the log is filtered by app name always.

Complete example:

const { Loggerage, LoggerageLevel, LoggerageOptions } = require("loggerage");

const opt1 = new LoggerageOptions();
opt1.version = '1.0';
const opt2 = new LoggerageOptions();
opt2.version = '2.0';

const logger1 = new Loggerage("MY-APP", opt1);
const logger2 = new Loggerage("MY-APP", opt2);

logger1.info('Info log 1');   // LOGGER 1
logger1.info('Info log 2');   // LOGGER 1
logger1.debug('Debug log 1'); // LOGGER 1

// after 5 seconds

logger1.debug('Debug log 2'); // LOGGER 1
logger2.info('Info log 2');   // LOGGER 2
logger2.debug('Debug log 3'); // LOGGER 2

const logs1 = logger1
                .from(moment().subtract(6, 'seconds'))
                .to(moment().subtract(4, 'seconds'))
                .version('1.0') // this is not necessary in this case, but don't care

// [logs1] include only 'Info log 1' and 'Info log 2' logs

logger2.from(moment().subtract(2, 'second')).getLogAsync(function(err, logs2) {
  // It's asynchronous just to see that it works with this method too

  // [logs2] include only 'Debug log 2', 'Info log 2' and 'Debug log 3' logs
  // include one log of 'logger1' because the two use the same app name, use the default localStorage and no is filtered by version